CHARLOTTE – StarMed Healthcare has been providing care to North Carolina throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to do so after its contract with the state expires July 31.
StarMed has administered more than 1.4 million COVID-19 tests, vaccinations and monoclonal antibody treatments as a partner of the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services and several county health departments, including the Mecklenburg County Health Department.
StarMed has also partnered with local leaders, churches and schools to host mass COVID-19 testing and vaccination events at no cost to patients.
“We’re extremely proud that our organization has played a key role during an unprecedented pandemic,” said Jim Estramonte, StarMed’s CEO. “We strive to serve our entire community, especially those who may not have access or means to the medical services they need.”
StarMed will continue to offer COVID-19 testing and/or vaccinations in eight North Carolina counties, including these Mecklenburg locations:
• StarMed FreeMore clinic, 4001 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte (testing and vaccines)
• StarMed, Eastland mall site, across from 5344 Central Ave., Charlotte (testing and vaccines)
• Archdale Park & Ride, 6230 South Blvd., Charlotte (testing)
• Matthews Theater, 9508 Northeast Court, Matthews (testing)